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1.00 Romanian Leu [RON]
INR 18.4164 Indian Rupee
JPY 32.7073 Japanese Yen
CZK 5.06973 Czech Koruna
PLN 0.862714 Polish Zloty
MYR 0.944485 Malaysian Ringgit
NOK 2.37115 Norwegian Krone
RUB 21.2517 Russian Rouble
IDR 3413.43 Indonesian Rupiah
CHF 0.188929 Swiss Franc
PHP 12.6659 Philippine Peso
DKK 1.49938 Danish Krone
HKD 1.70195 Hong Kong Dollar
ILS 0.823209 Israeli Sheqel
SEK 2.27614 Swedish Krona
NZD 0.359961 New Zealand Dollar
KWD 0.0671972 Kuwaiti Dinar
GBP 0.16742 British Pound Sterling
BGN 0.392982 Bulgarian Lev
HUF 80.3953 Hungarian Forint
CAD 0.302418 Canadian Dollar
MXN 4.28867 Mexican Peso
SGD 0.286866 Singapore Dollar
CNY 1.55982 Chinese Yuan
ZAR 3.85862 South African Rand
TRY 7.49924 Turkish Lira
KRW 298.791 South Korean Won
AUD 0.326537 Australian Dollar
BRL 1.23598 Brazilian Real
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Good time to change / Lower than 6 months average