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1.00 Turkish Lira [TRY]
NOK 0.320603 Norwegian Krone
ZAR 0.525564 South African Rand
BRL 0.170838 Brazilian Real
KRW 40.7311 South Korean Won
KWD 0.00867163 Kuwaiti Dinar
SGD 0.0383522 Singapore Dollar
HKD 0.218689 Hong Kong Dollar
DKK 0.203512 Danish Krone
GBP 0.0230289 British Pound Sterling
INR 2.43026 Indian Rupee
CZK 0.689574 Czech Koruna
IDR 459.841 Indonesian Rupiah
AUD 0.0452131 Australian Dollar
ILS 0.100067 Israeli Sheqel
SEK 0.313359 Swedish Krona
PLN 0.116197 Polish Zloty
CAD 0.040603 Canadian Dollar
CNY 0.205569 Chinese Yuan
PHP 1.64418 Philippine Peso
MXN 0.583444 Mexican Peso
JPY 4.37572 Japanese Yen
RUB 2.87982 Russian Rouble
NZD 0.0500711 New Zealand Dollar
BGN 0.0534727 Bulgarian Lev
MYR 0.12645 Malaysian Ringgit
RON 0.135746 Romanian Leu
HUF 11.2545 Hungarian Forint
CHF 0.025651 Swiss Franc
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Good time to change / Lower than 6 months average