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1.00 Russian Rouble RUB [RUB]

USDUSD 0.0105181 US Dollar
DKKDKK 0.0714418 Danish Krone
CADCAD 0.0142798 Canadian Dollar
CZKCZK 0.242889 Czech Koruna
KWDKWD 0.003222 Kuwaiti Dinar
PLNPLN 0.0413533 Polish Zloty
JPYJPY 1.56398 Japanese Yen
SEKSEK 0.109073 Swedish Krona
CNYCNY 0.0738226 Chinese Yuan
THBTHB 0.350188 Thai Baht
CHFCHF 0.00902554 Swiss Franc
INRINR 0.88372 Indian Rupee
RONRON 0.0476977 Romanian Leu
EUREUR 0.00958365 Euro
TRYTRY 0.360363 Turkish Lira

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Note: This service will give you a quick idea of currency values. Please consult a bank if you need a more precise conversion. AsiaOne takes no responsibility for any errors in the rates used in this service.

Good time to change / Lower than 6 months average

  • SGD SGD 1 = 1.126252 AUD AUD
    AUD 1 = SGD 0.8879
    4 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 1.038421 CAD CAD
    CAD 1 = SGD 0.963
    1 hour ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 0.655350 CHF CHF
    CHF 1 = SGD 1.5259
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 5.395000 CNY CNY
    CNY 100 = SGD 18.535681
    6 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 0.696864 EUR EUR
    EUR 1 = SGD 1.435
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 0.582445 GBP GBP
    GBP 1 = SGD 1.7169
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 5.950000 HKD HKD
    HKD 100 = SGD 16.806722
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 11831.000000 IDR IDR
    IDR 1000 = SGD 0.084523
    1 hour ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 65.920000 INR INR
    INR 100 = SGD 1.51699
    1 hour ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 112.803200 JPY JPY
    JPY 1000 = SGD 8.864996
    1 hour ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 1013.000000 KRW KRW
    KRW 1000 = SGD 0.987166
    1 hour ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 3.233600 MYR MYR
    MYR 100 = SGD 30.925284
    1 hour ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 1.234567 NZD NZD
    NZD 1 = SGD 0.81
    6 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 43.710900 PHP PHP
    PHP 100 = SGD 2.287758
    1 hour ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 25.360300 THB THB
    THB 100 = SGD 3.943171
    1 hour ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 24.530100 TWD TWD
    TWD 100 = SGD 4.076624
    1 hour ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 0.766871 USD USD
    USD 1 = SGD 1.304
    1 hour ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 19102.000000 VND VND
    VND 100000 = SGD 5.235053
    1 hour ago

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