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1.00 Indian Rupee INR [INR]

ILSILS 0.0449304 Israeli Sheqel
RONRON 0.053314 Romanian Leu
TRYTRY 0.408221 Turkish Lira
EUREUR 0.0107177 Euro
MXNMXN 0.230823 Mexican Peso
CZKCZK 0.268933 Czech Koruna
CNYCNY 0.0844012 Chinese Yuan
USDUSD 0.0119754 US Dollar
CADCAD 0.0162368 Canadian Dollar
JPYJPY 1.70948 Japanese Yen
PLNPLN 0.0457866 Polish Zloty
DKKDKK 0.0799456 Danish Krone
KWDKWD 0.00365249 Kuwaiti Dinar
BRLBRL 0.0649742 Brazilian Real
CHFCHF 0.0101306 Swiss Franc
THBTHB 0.396056 Thai Baht
BGNBGN 0.0209599 Bulgarian Lev
SEKSEK 0.121459 Swedish Krona

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Note: This service will give you a quick idea of currency values. Please consult a bank if you need a more precise conversion. AsiaOne takes no responsibility for any errors in the rates used in this service.

Good time to change / Lower than 6 months average

  • SGD SGD 1 = 1.136363 AUD AUD
    AUD 1 = SGD 0.88
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 1.046025 CAD CAD
    CAD 1 = SGD 0.956
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 0.653594 CHF CHF
    CHF 1 = SGD 1.53
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 5.430000 CNY CNY
    CNY 100 = SGD 18.416206
    3 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 0.692520 EUR EUR
    EUR 1 = SGD 1.444
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 0.581733 GBP GBP
    GBP 1 = SGD 1.719
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 6.000000 HKD HKD
    HKD 100 = SGD 16.666666
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 11650.000000 IDR IDR
    IDR 1000 = SGD 0.085836
    4 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 65.000000 INR INR
    INR 100 = SGD 1.538461
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 110.000000 JPY JPY
    JPY 1000 = SGD 9.090909
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 1017.300900 KRW KRW
    KRW 1000 = SGD 0.982993
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 3.255200 MYR MYR
    MYR 100 = SGD 30.720078
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 1.233045 NZD NZD
    NZD 1 = SGD 0.811
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 43.507100 PHP PHP
    PHP 100 = SGD 2.298475
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 25.560200 THB THB
    THB 100 = SGD 3.912332
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 24.800000 TWD TWD
    TWD 100 = SGD 4.032258
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 0.773993 USD USD
    USD 1 = SGD 1.292
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 19161.000000 VND VND
    VND 100000 = SGD 5.218934
    2 hours ago

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