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1.00 Mexican Peso MXN [MXN]

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Note: This service will give you a quick idea of currency values. Please consult a bank if you need a more precise conversion. AsiaOne takes no responsibility for any errors in the rates used in this service.

Good time to change / Lower than 6 months average

  • SGD SGD 1 = 1.135073 AUD AUD
    AUD 1 = SGD 0.881
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 1.044932 CAD CAD
    CAD 1 = SGD 0.957
    3 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 0.653594 CHF CHF
    CHF 1 = SGD 1.53
    3 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 5.430000 CNY CNY
    CNY 100 = SGD 18.416206
    3 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 0.692520 EUR EUR
    EUR 1 = SGD 1.444
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 0.582479 GBP GBP
    GBP 1 = SGD 1.7168
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 6.000000 HKD HKD
    HKD 100 = SGD 16.666666
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 11650.000000 IDR IDR
    IDR 1000 = SGD 0.085836
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 65.000000 INR INR
    INR 100 = SGD 1.538461
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 109.900000 JPY JPY
    JPY 1000 = SGD 9.099181
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 1016.500000 KRW KRW
    KRW 1000 = SGD 0.983767
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 3.260000 MYR MYR
    MYR 100 = SGD 30.674846
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 1.233045 NZD NZD
    NZD 1 = SGD 0.811
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 43.500000 PHP PHP
    PHP 100 = SGD 2.29885
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 25.550000 THB THB
    THB 100 = SGD 3.913894
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 24.800000 TWD TWD
    TWD 100 = SGD 4.032258
    2 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 0.772797 USD USD
    USD 1 = SGD 1.294
    3 hours ago

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  • SGD SGD 1 = 19160.000000 VND VND
    VND 100000 = SGD 5.219206
    3 hours ago

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